Innovative assessment of spoken language comprehension in children with cerebral palsy: Development of the Canadian English Computer-Based instrument for Low motor Language Testing (C-BiLLT)
"Reading about the C-BiLLT is so exciting for me as a parent. I have been waiting for a long time for this kind of technology to properly assess my son's comprehension abilities. This would give us a deeper understanding of what he knows, his strengths and where support is needed." -Parent
Communication for All video
Check out our newest video about communication in non-verbal people with CP. Musa, Hunter, Marshall, and their families show how technology enables them to play, communicate, learn, work, and have fun. We are so proud and thankful for their hard work and dedication to this project! The video also shows the instrument we're working on here at CanChild: the C-BiLLT. This is an accessible test to assess someone's language comprehension skills. Originally developed in The Netherlands, we are adapting it for Canadian children with motor and speech impairments. Funding for this video was provided by the Ontario Brain Institute.
Get Involved
Dr. Barbara Jane Cunningham and her team at the University of Western Ontario would like to invite you to participate in a virtual focus group study!
The purpose of the study is to introduce Canadian clinicians and families of children with CP and complex communication needs (i.e., children with CP and limited motor and speech function) to a new accessible language comprehension test called the C-BiLLT, and to understand what clinicians and families see as the potential barriers to its use in Canada. Feedback will be used to make the test more accessible to Canadian children with CP! To participate, please email Sarah Hopmans at hopmansn@mcmaster.ca.
Are you a parent?
If you would like more information about this study, please contact the study’s principal investigator using the contact information given below:
Thank you,
Dr. BJ Cunningham
Assistant Professor
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Western University
519 661-2111 x88179
Short Video Series
We created a short video series featuring nonverbal people and their families. In the first two parts, we hope to inspire everyone with the stories of Mussa, Hunter, and Marshall and change the social stigma around nonverbal people. The last part shows how technology allows non-verbal people to dream big for the future.