Training for School-Based Health Professionals

The Facilitating Integrated Rehabilitation Services through Training (FIRST) Program

To support health care professionals’ transition to a tiered school-based service delivery model, our team developed a free, online, self-paced professional development program to assist occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and physiotherapists to learn about, adopt, and advocate for tiered service delivery models in schools. You can register here. The program includes:

  • FIRST Course

The FIRST Course consists of six learning modules that include profession specific interactive case studies, videos, and activities to enable learning about service delivery in schools using a three-tier service delivery model.  

  • FIRST Knowledge Implementation Toolkit (FIRST KIT)

The FIRST KIT contains selected evidence-based materials for use “in the moment”, resources, infographics, and practical strategies to support implementation of a tiered service model. 

  • FIRST Frequently Asked Questions (FIRST FAQs

The FIRST FAQs includes 25 commonly asked questions and responses about school-based tiered services.