Evaluation of the Opening Doors Project
The Opening Doors Project involves ten young people with disabilities between 18 and 28 years of age and their families. The young adults are at various stages of making the transition from school to their community. The aim of this project is to assist the young adults and their families to develop natural support circles and become involved in community activities. This will enable the young adults to gain independence from the family and become unique community members. A facilitator will assist the young adults in participating in activities and the families in developing support circles. In addition, participants will hire support workers and link with community partners to help the young adults access opportunities in the community. The investigators will interview families and other involved persons once per year for two years to determine strengths, drawbacks, and impacts of individualized funding and the services of a paid facilitator on the lives of the participants and their families.
Research Team
Ministry of Community, Family and Children's Services - $10,000 (2002-2007)