MPOC-20 Online Survey

What is it?
The Measure of Processes of Care 20 (MPOC-20) is a self-report measure of parents’ perceptions of the extent to which the health services they and their child(ren) receive are family-centred. The MPOC-20 online survey is a web based version of the measure. MPOC-20 is a validated, reliable measure that has been used internationally in many evaluations of family-centred service.
The online version allows respondents to enter their responses online and for the data to be collected electronically by the purchasing organization without having to be entered from a paper survey. CanChild transfers the electronic version it has developed to the purchaser but does not collect or take any responsibility for data. For more information on the MPOC please see our resources section.
How do I get it?
The online version is available in FluidSurvey, LimeSurvey, and RedCap survey software. You must have an account with either of these providers in order to properly administer the survey. Please select your preferred software version under “Select Version(s)’ before adding the item to your cart. Upon purchase, you will receive a download of the data dictionary or survey file which can then be imported into your account.
Instructions on how to import the MPOC-20 into FluidSurvey
Instructions on how to import the MPOC-20 into LimeSurvey
Instructions on how to import the MPOC-20 into RedCap
If you have any questions, or would like to format the MPOC-20 for another survey provider, please contact us.
Introduction to MPOC
The following video provides an introduction to CanChild's Measure of Processes of Care, which looks at families' perceptions on the care they and their child receive, and highlights MPOC's relationship to family-centred service.
Authors: Susanne King, Peter Rosenbaum, Gillian King