Concussion: Return to School Guidelines Brochure

What is it?

CanChild's Concussion Management brochures are fabulous resources for parents, physicians and community agencies. This informative, evidence-based, pediatric-specific brochure provides facts about concussions, including symptoms and a clear plan for return to school with stage-by-stage guidelines for children and youth experiencing varying degrees of symptom status. The brochures highlight that a concussion is a brain injury that changes the way the brain functions and must be taken seriously!

How do I get it?

The Concussion Management brochures are available for free download on the CanChild website or by ordering them from the CanChild Store. By ordering them from the store you will receive glossy printed versions that are attractive for display and distribution. The charge for glossy printed brochures will cover production costs.

Due to limited quantities, please contact us at for ordering information.


A sample page of the Return to School Guidelines for Children & Youth can be found below, or click here to view the full document.

Authors: DeMatteo C, Singh S, Giglia L, Mahoney W, Hollenberg R, Malcolmson C, Stazyk K, Harper J, Missiuna C